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tv   Childrens Book Author Jonah Winter on Censorship  CSPAN  May 13, 2024 8:28am-8:30am EDT

8:28 am
third, the government cannot abridge the freedom of the press. now you've gone from an idea to speaking that idea to those that are both earshot to using the press which means publishing or otherwise disseminating ideas to a wider audience now your gathering and mobilizing people around this idea because people like to feel solidarity and share space. the right to petition the government. this means you have the right not only to have an idea, not only to speak that idea or publish that idea and galvanize people around the idea, but you have the right to bring that idea to redress grievances. the first amendment looking closely at the text can be read as facilitating the journey from an idea to a movement but notwithstanding the protections
8:29 am
not all speech is protected. a true threats, fighting words, incitement and obscenity are categories of unprotected speech that we allow the government more leeway in regulating. so what does all this mean in the k-12 context? the supreme court has famously said students and teachers do not lose their first amendment rights of the schoolhouse gate. but the court has also recognized public schools necessarily have more authority to regulate speech at a school van the government would normally have in other contexts. the government can regulate content like curriculum as long as the decisions are reasonably related to a legitimate education purpose. but authorities may punish students speech only if it will lead to substantial disruption within the school environment. outside of school, students speech is protected by the first amendment. the first amendment also protects the right to access information including students rights to access information through school library shelves. despite this, school board


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